You are Here

Introduction to You are Here

The You are Here project explores how cultural mapping and community-engaged research can inform the development of the City’s new Cultural Strategic Plan. Linking the RiR to city-driven project work provides an in-depth opportunity for partnership development, networking and intersectoral team building—creating real world opportunities to complement or replace more top-down public consultation methodologies (e.g., the survey, the public hearing, and the expert-led focus group), all the while affording enhanced student training opportunities and increasing participation of those with lived/living experience.

Castanet News Brief on the project

Documentaries on the You Are Here project

Slideshow documentary video narrated by Cheryl Gladu
Museum Mapping Video

Details on the Project

Community Maps

Video slideshow of the cultural maps for the You are Here project collected by TRU students Hannah O’Neil & Saaransh Bhardwaj

Report to City Council on the draft Cultural Strategic Plan

Council meeting cultural plan presentation

Project showcase at the Kamloops Museum